jeudi, juillet 26, 2007

Land's End

Went hiking with the bitches at Land's End, the other side of Presidio. We had an awesome time, hiking around for like 2 hours, in beautiful weather. Pulled a muscle while trying to save my life. was limping at work for the next 2 days.

note: this is such an old post. I actually went hiking in April. But saved this draft in the dungeon. so enjoy now.

p.s. work has been crap. We're re-shuffling within the office, had to repack and then unpack EVERYTHING. felt like a manual labourer. awfullyg tired so i actually took a nap. 100+ new peeps will be moving in. In my row of 4, I am the only one now. Let's see if a handsome stranger will sit across me.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

The pics look like postcards! so bee-u-tee-foo!!