mardi, janvier 30, 2007

It just occurred to me that tomorrow is 31st January 2007, then January 2007 will disappear forever. I will never be able to relive it again. Just like that. Gone. Dunzo.


The whole agency moved to a new home, finally. After about 10 years in that ex-winery, creatives slaving away in the basement. It was a cool historic but filthy place. The exposed beams, unfinished wooden ceilings and vacummed-less carpet, I believe, has brought my health to a new high risk. I have been sick record-time the past year. And I want no more of that please!

The new place sits right next to the piers. I have an open window view of the bay ¬— yachts, seagulls, sunshine, water and tourists aplenty! Totally awesome. I miss the privacy, as now it is all out in the open, but nothing can beat that scenery. I don’t feel caged anymore. Will pose photos when I get my (new) camera back from the repairs… … soon please???

Trying to catch up with the new year now, every freelance client wants their stuff like Yesterday. What can I do? Pull it outta my ass? It’s not that big anyways. So they just have to waaaaait!


Janice’s wedding is in 2 weeks. I heard she is going to have more Hen parties. If I am getting married, I must have more parties than her!!! All with cute strippers!!! And fireworks!!! And cupcakes!!! And all my girlfriends have to be there!!!


Speaking of cupcakes, it is gonna be a really long walk for lunch to get those cupcakes from Miette’s at the ferry building. Alas, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.


So how’s everyone doing so far for 2007?

Something to say:
1. Hope M and family is doing better after the loss of Jimmy ( I feel ya… .. sigh)

2. Agency hamster — Hambone passed away briefly after X’mas 2006. RIP. He is buried next to Froggy No. 2

3. S got 2 new agency hamsters — Ham & Bacon (keeping the pork theme), who are now proud parents of 5 spankin’ new pinkish babies. From now on I am going to say “humping like hamsters” instead of “doing it like rabbits”. Trust me, only 2 weeks have passed and we have bacon bits already.

4. I am going to start jogging during lunch as we now have a shower room.

5. Should I take up horse-back riding?


Totally stole these posters from “Lalaland”, who stole it from the official movie website :p

“Happy Birthday” stars my fav artiste — Rene Liu (singer/actress/author). I like how clean this posters are. I wish I can work on stuff like that. The movie should be showing now in most parts of Asia. But I am not in Asia. So I have to go to the DVD shop in Chinatown soon~

I have decided.

I will buy it and then watch it on MY birthday. Alone.

p.s. this blog is still a little sad. But this is its nature ;)

1 commentaire:

Nana-land a dit…

thanks gal... it's day 7 today, wonder if the old chap will be home to pay us a visit... sighz...

wish u were ard to go for the hen parties, before and after wedding parties...