lundi, juin 15, 2009

Never did I ever thought I would blog about dental floss

My dentist tells me to floss.

My mom tells me to floss.

Everyone tells me to floss but I hate to floss.

I have these set of teeth I would like to call train-wrecked rails 'coz they are so uneven and there is even this not-so-mild upper bite problem. The dentists I go to always ask if I would like to wear braces. But braces won't let me eat freely for 2 years, so my answer remains a big fat NO.

I hate flossing, but now Crest can officially call me their spokesperson 'coz ever since I met their Glide, I'm a changed woman.

See, this is smart. Changing something that has been the same for like thousands of years. Okay, just recently: Levi Spear Parmly, a dentist from New Orleans, is credited with inventing the first form of dental floss. He recommended that people should clean their teeth with silk floss in 1815 (source: wikipedia).

So, what has changed? Glide is not the same shape of thread like those in your sewing box. It's actually a flat string. Like a ribbon, or a Meepok. But it's still really thin so it still goes in between those impossible spaces between each tooth. The best part is, it doesn't cut you like those MOFO old-ass dinosaur dental floss.


Those stupid string-cutters have made me bleed in pain. I hate them. I'm throwing away all the old dental floss I have. I have them 'coz I was pretending I floss. Now I don't have to anymore.

It was also one of the best thing that happened while I was on a family (not mine) trip to LA recently. It was sitting innocently in his sister's guestbathroom and since I have nothing to do the entire trip, I was snooping around and extending my own private time in the bathroom. I even took a picture of her floss on my cellphone so that I can remember what to get when I return.

I hope you guys have it in Singapore. Else I'll start selling them in my store for USD$10 each :p

2 commentaires:

JayWalk a dit…

Sorry to burst your bubble but yes, we have meepok floss back here in Singapore for quite a while now.

Clara a dit…

i really hate to break the news to you too, but Oral B has had a similar floss in their "satin" range for the longest time......SUA KU! :)