vendredi, juillet 24, 2009

could ahve been worse.

lundi, juillet 20, 2009

I lost to spiders

yeah. officially, coz those MOFOs have invaded my bed, the one most private things I consider.


It begun innocently, seeing 2 teeny weeny baby spiders crawling on my bed, I brushed them off, changed to clean sheets and forgot about it.

Then one night, as I was almost fully asleep, I felt something ticklish on my face. Yes you guessed it right. BUT THIS TIME IT WAS A FULL SIZE SPIDER STROLLING ACROSS MY FACE.

Guess who slept on the couch that night?

And who hadn't slept on her own bed for almost 1 week?

Perfect ending to a rather relaxing evening where we went to the Spa at the Trump Hotel on the Strip for a pampering massage session.

Isn't it ironic...........

Highest reward for anyone who can give me the best/quickest solution. Apply now >

mercredi, juillet 08, 2009

I won! I won!

I know I'm so lame. so lazy to blog coz' work has been eating into my personal time and making me pissed a lot. But great news tonight!
Wheel! Of! Fortuuuuuuune!!!!!!!!!!