jeudi, août 19, 2010

I don't know if you know much about sugar

But most of the drinks in USA are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, instead of sugar. I made a double-take when I saw this in stores and wanted it immediately. For the nolstagia and the fact that it's using real sugar. It tasted a bit different. I like it, just not used to it. Tried the Mountain Dew version too and it tastes interesting...

It's funny how we are all subjected to the 'right' choice and when we have the 'real' choice, it's like a special occasion and for this instance, it tasted interesting.


There's so much going on right now. So tired and busy and weak. will chat with ya another day.

1 commentaire:

karenthecat a dit…

updates!!! i know, im so tired too, too much going on.......