samedi, février 02, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen,

I think I've just been to the edge of Death and back. Well, not entirely back yet. My breath still feels like it is 10 steps behind me. And my lungs… I don’t even know if I still have them. What do I eat to get better, stronger lungs?

I probably caught this freaking deadly flu virus from a colleague who refused to admit that he’s sick and walked around hacking and spreading. Bastard.

This past week was pretty much too hazy to remember and I didn’t even get to reminiscince the good times when Shawna was here the weekend before. At least I got to have lotsa fun before the flu truck hit me on Monday. The whole week was wasted staying at home staring into blank.

Since we are talking about health, I really really never want to fall sick again. Ever. Have you met ppl who don’t fall sick? I do. One of them is my masseur in SF. To me, he is a very spiritual, enlightened, healthy man who always seems to be bursting with sunshine. He told me he never falls sick. How? He advised me to take my antioxidants supplement everyday. I bet he also practices yoga, meditates and I don’t know, have plenty of sex?

Whatever it takes, I am prepared to do it from now on. Because falling sick sucks.

Anyways hor, you people haven’t been blogging that much eh? Why? Busy picking your nose ah?

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I hope you are feeling better babe.. gong xi fa cai and shen ti jian kang!

karenthecat a dit…

pls take care!!

Anonyme a dit…

Aiyoh. I knew you were under the weather when we met but I didn't know you are going to be that sick!

Anyway, I recommend Airborne as recommended to me by all my clients.

Supposedly aids boosting of immune system.

Click Here

t r i p l e eye l i d s a dit…

now that you are better... try Mister Duckie! XD