vendredi, novembre 07, 2008

Fa la la la la la la la

I'm making a list
and checking it twice.
I'm going to find out who's naughty and nice.
'Coz Missy here Is Comin' To Town!

That's right y'all! And I'm not kidding. Since my presents will include handmade, as much as possible, I need all the time in the world to design, research, buy the materials and make them!

Unfortunately I can't make everything, and some people will probably never want the things that I make, so some people will not be getting handmade items from me. But hey! It doesn't mean I didn't care. Just maybe you need to reflect upon your high maintenance, materialistic ways and bring yourself back down to Mother Earth.

Speaking of Mother Earth, my agency finally started and kicked-off the recycling committee! For months, my dept and I have been doing it guerilla style— i.e. we collect cardboard boxes that are dumped by the trash and ask people around our area to conscientiously dispose their paper trash in our makeshift collection area right by my desk. Once in a while, the guys will load up their truck and drive all that crap to the local recycling company who will pay you some pennies for the wares.

Do you know the media dept receives almost every other fucking magazine in the world every month? Do you know how much paper is that to be just thrown away with the other trash? Do you know why the temperature is record-high nowadays? Do you know why there is so many hurricanes and earthquakes and tsunamis? Do you know why the trees all look kinda sad when you look at them?

It's ironic that 4 (out of 8) of the people in my dept (web) took part in the committee. It's ironic that the print production dept had no representatives. It's ironic that my dept is the dept that had shown the most support and initiative in recycling. We are, afterall, the dept that creates the least (paper) waste in the whole building.

Don't buy wrapping paper when there's all those wonderfully designed magazines' pages that you're going to get rid of anyways. Do you really have to send another X'mas card via mail that will only be tossed by your receiver on the 26th? E-cards are free and it's the thought that counts. With the economy like this, won't it be better to look around and see what you can improvise for neat solutions that not only reduce pollution but also save $$$?

If you really have to buy paper for any reasons during this festive season, pls at least opt for cards that are printed on recycled materials. Send just one card on behalf of the whole family and group so you can lessen the number of cards you need.

Best yet, give time and love to the people you care about. It's environmentally-friendly, great for your own mental health, recyclable/reuse-able (pass the love vibes on) and FREE!

1 commentaire:

cnmmnc a dit…

u do me utterly proud, sista!
i salute u...