Wednesday was WORK-FROM-HELL.
It was the first time I revealed my dark side to the rest of the agency. Normally, I am this cutie-innocent-tiny asian girl who would just accept her fate when work orders pile up. Then, I got crossed.
EVERYONE ELSE got to go on with the agency's summer outing to watch a baseball game at 12:35PM. The agency is as silent as a cemetary by 11:30AM. But in my head, I was screaming like hell. Because I have to stay(and I did till 7PM++) so I could finish up something else that someone else couldn't.
First, I don't blame the freelancer. He was staying behind too, trying to complete all the shit work piling on his desk. Secondly, I don't and will never blame my manager, for he had to sacrifice and stayed behind just to accompany me. Thirdly, I don't blame my colleagues in the creative dept coz about 3-4 stray cats had stayed and help out too, with the loser me.
So, I blame the accounts/project management shitheads who couldn't get their shit together. Planning a deadline on an All-Agency outing day is just plain fuck-tarded. It was scheduled months ago to be a half day. And we
DESERVED it, for working so hard. So that, my friends, is a shit-fuck incident.
As for the rest of the week, I was compensated with a very light workload, sympathy(genuine?) from others and soon-to-come extra day off. Because it felt even worse to find out everyone got to be pissed and shitfaced at the game AND After-party, while you got to be pissed, shitfaced, sitting alone at in the makeshift cube coz the regular computer crashed.
Let the hate out.
Today is Friday and I finally got over it and I no longer go to bed angry. I actually went to the agency with a happy mood and managed to keep it for the rest of the day. Had a Fabulous lunch with some of my fav. ppl in the agency(a treat from my manager too!), fooled around at the production table, the ugly sucker fish of the agency finally deceased(I am sorry), had a beer(but it caused a bad reaction with my allergies), a fav ex-colleague dropped by, had a 15 mins massage, had another 1 hour massage with Shinta(who finally moved back!) at this new-found Yoga/Massage centre on California St., had an awesome dinner afterwards at this almost-yuppie-but-still-cool resturant —
Solstice and finally, somebody said I am missed dearly.
Oh! One more thing-we have this weekly Friday draw to decide who can have the weekly bouquet of flowers of the agency's receptiion area. I had wanted to win for a long time. So, they decided to let ME do the drawing this time, from the can of collected namecards. And guess what? I managed to pickup my own card!!! So Missy won and took the pretty Un-named flowers home.
pretty pointed flowers