mercredi, août 23, 2006

It was more than a week ago...

I finally had my first piercing!!!

Had wanted to do it for the longest time but due to chronic sinus and allergy problems, I have been hesitant. But not anymore!!!

And no I DO NOT want to pierce my ears coz' it is so passe.

Check out the horrific photos. WARNING: I don't look very cute. 'Cept for the pic with my cutie pierce-master-Ryan.


Only my left eye was teary, and I figured that it is the left side of my nose getting pierced, so only my left eye could see the process. So the right eye doesn't know what's going on.

The needle pierce was smooth and hurt only at that very second and then it was POOF! The pain was gone. It was way much bearable than a lot of things and people - say, I would rather get piercings than work. hahahahaha

So I have been taking care of it until a few days after the novelty worn off and I just use the Q-tips to swipe any boogger caught it between.

And I think I look very nice. I am officially cool.

3 commentaires:

Clara a dit…

see what i told you about it being painless!!!!

you dont have to get them on your ears, there are so many other places to pierce. ;)

Welcome to the club! *stamp of coolness*

karenthecat a dit…

OUCHH !!! just looking at your pic !!

Anonyme a dit…

haha.. you had just made yourself more attractive to all Indian men in SF! Just today, my client suggested that I should add in the red dot on the forehead to "complete the look"... DUH! When you come back to SG, we go nose studs-shopping yah? oh.. hope u like the book I sent you..she is a famous feng shui shifu in M'sia and Asia. I know cos my bro is her fan.. hahaha...