mercredi, octobre 25, 2006

blah blah

Here I present to you the wonders of SKYPE. I would normally talk to my mother and she would gladly point the camera to Puppy. Puppy would unknowingly sit next to the computer and my mother would have to call her back each time she tries to walk away. Hahaha! Well, she should be able to hear me calling her but I guess she would just dismiss as a television voice since she dun see me physically there. Sigh. If only she can talk! And use the computer to log in and talk to me. I wonder how her talking voice would sound like.

Then again, if she could talk, it would be really scary and she will be able to bitch about me. So maybe now I don’t wish that she can talk anymore.


if you guys were concerned about the rotting smell of my apt., I have finally figured it out. It was from the rotting flowers in the trash. Oh well, you see, Missy loves to have fresh flowers in apt to keep things nice. However, this past week I got cheap and bought some really nice looking long stalks of flowers that costs only $5 a bunch. After one day, I start to realize they give out a really strong scent. I can only take it so much so I threw it in the trash even before it starts wilting.

Only that day after I wrote the past entry did I realized that the flowers were rotting to a disgusting smell in my shiny new metallic trash can. URGH! ☹

It was 3 AM when I realized it. So I walked out in my bathrobe and threw the bag of filth away for good.

Now I am happy.

I guess you get what you pay for eh?


The holiday season is arriving. Well, it has arrived. I cant wait for the annual giantnomous X’mas tree to be put up at Union Square soon. It always makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

Have you done your X’mas list yet? Well the KEY is to get it done early so you’ll not freak out or forget anyone (i.e. me)! I have wrote down my naughty & nice list already and have started Operation Gift Buying – OGB. (oooh, it sounds naughty)

Drop me a note if you know what you want (or if you think you’re on my list).

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