mardi, mai 29, 2007


Memorial weekend came and went. And I had a blast with some friends from work coz we went C.A.M.P.I.N.G!

Girl hasn't camp since I was ins econdary school. I rememebr a stupid lame attempt on the school's part. It was dumb. and it was really camping neither coz there weren't any BACON or BEERS!!! And this time we made sure there was plenty.

Oh boy~ I ate so much. All we did was eat, drink, swim in the delta, eat, drink, sleep, wake up and eat, drink, chill, eat, drink, drink, sleep, eat, drink and pack to scoot off.

I got a nice little tan~

coolers filled with drink and food.
swimming in the delta.
I don't know why my ponytail erects.
our tent
waking up to the morning sun and rustling of leaves
someone made good mexican foodmaking s'mores
cornscampfire - goodnight!

1 commentaire:

Nana-land a dit…

corns: rustic

Marshmallow with choc: sinful

erected ponytail: your subconscious!
