mardi, juillet 22, 2008

My dear heath, how are you?

There are 2 good Heaths I know. Both are dead but their legend lives on. In different mediums and different decades. But whatever. They've both touched my senses in one way or two.

I've blogged about the ceramics Heath. Now they're offering this really cool canvas bag with artist Heather Moore of Skinny LaMinx. I wish I still lived across the bay from this Heath.

buy it for me here.

And then I also want to let you know that I've been eyeing that YELLOW vase forever and ever. It's been a little long, but I think this "favourite-colour-is-mustard-yellow" phase is still going pretty intense. Even my boss commented:"You've been using a lot of yellow recently in your design......" It's summer, what can I say?
And again, you can buy it for me here.

The other Heath is currently plastered everywhere a movie poster can be. I have yet found the desire to join in the mad crowds at iMax theatres even though I loved all the Batman movie franchise.

My dear 38 cousin is still here...(I'm secretly enjoying her companionship very much but shhhhhh....... don't let her know). We are having so much fun and I remember how to be a crazy girl again.

With the American Royal Family @ Universal Studios Hollywood

Otherwise I only have nerdy programmers, dry desert sand and rude drivers to play with.

Until then~

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