samedi, mars 06, 2010

mixed feelings

After much persuasion, we went to brave the crowds for the movie much anticipated "Alice in the Wonderland". Got there much earlier to go in line and stand there, just to secure a better seat. I am never the kind who like to go with the crowds. I won't die if I catch the movie 2 weeks later you know. But my partner really wanted to.
"I need a pig here!"
Biasedly I alwas think that Helena Bonham Carter gets her movie parts by default. Granted she is a good actress, I always thought it is a little unfair that she gets to play those crazy awesome Tim Burton movie heroines. But in this movie, we agreed that she is one of the best things that happened in it. Could be the writing, the crazy big head and the nature of the role itself, but yeah, it was much better than the forced (in many ways) Alice or the weird door-mouse. And also much much better than (don't hate me) the Mad Hatter—Johnny Depp.

I can't believe that Johnny Depp was even the main image of all the movie posters for this movie. It's like, I didn't enjoy his character nor his acting at all. He seem to be playing a role like Willy Wonka in many sorts. And it is really unfair, in my opinion, that he was focused in so much. I guess his name sells. I adore him too, but it's kinda getting old.

Anne Hathaway is kinda peculiar, and I would say it's ok, it's enjoyable.

All in all, I just wanted to rant. Just wanted to say it's visually so beautiful, but the story is kinda mundane. That's all.

Ok I;m off to watch a bizarre japanese robots movie. Catch you later~

1 commentaire:

shrly a dit…

totally agree with u...
he reminded me of willy wonka and i prefer Red Queen! hahaha