vendredi, novembre 13, 2009

Andre Agassi Book Signing 9/11/09

I unfortunately blocked his face in this shot as I was turning back to chat with him.
So yes, I bought his autobiography. It seems so long ago when I saw his tournaments playing on tv. And I remember being pleasantly surprised when I found out that Steffi Graf and him were happily married with 2 kids. He was pretty eloquent during the hosted event. It seems like a pretty sincere book written by a pretty sincere human being. Read Chapter 1 while waiting forever in line to meet him and to get my book signed after the talk.

The book launched today and since he is a native of Las Vegas, he decided to have the launch here, in Las Vegas. Why does it always have to be in New York right?

2 commentaires:

Clara a dit…

did you talk to him about his wig? i STILL cannot believe he wore it the whole time and it never once threatened to fall off!

agrasshopper a dit…

oh in the book he mentioned once, that the French Open, it did threaten to fall off the night before, so he had to get a whole bunch of bobby pins!!! it was funny.