jeudi, mars 06, 2008

And so they meet... ...

pic via damncoolpics

I haven't posted any pic of mr Big recently. He is alive. But a weekly trip to the pet store for crickets and worms led me to realizing that Mr Big's species is also called Chubby Frog. No wonder he is so fat. He bloody exploded twice his size when I fed him last night. Damn! I guess only penguins are smart enough to regulate their diets (thats what the aquarium-keeper at Monterey Bay said).

My Big in his red-light-districty heating lamp. Coz' it's winter and he needs to stay warm~

He ate so much that he stretch until he got a new white stretchmark on his back today. I hope it's just something dirty. I tried to clean it off but he don't let me. How can a frog has stretchmarks? How?

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

mr. b's belly has submitted to the gravity :-(