dimanche, mars 02, 2008


update: found another related one! Stuff Asian People Like
(thanks Dr. Hu)

I don't know if you guys have jumped on the bandwagon and started reading this blog everyday (thanks for the link takko), but I have.

I even checked out the 500+ comments on this post.

Taken from: Stuff White People Like

#78 Multilingual Children
"All white people want their children to speak another language. There are no exceptions. They dream about the children drifting in between French and English sentences as they bustle about the kitchen while they read the New York Times and listen to Jazz."


And my favourite closing from that post:
"There is only one way to use this information to your advantage: speaking another language means that white people are more likely to want to have children with you. It is seen as a cheaper alternative to language schools."

No wonder I am so popular~

But I am not done yet. Someone just started a new blog in response to this blog.

Check it check it out — Stuff Black People Like.

What is this world becoming to!

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