samedi, avril 05, 2008

_______ & taxes


I don't understand how this country can be so great when everyone has to prepare their own taxes so painfully every year!? Shouldn't it be so smart now that the companies you work for should handle it for you? FREAK. Wasted about 3 hours of my life. I thought my paperworks are very well organized but I proved myself wrong, again. First I couldn't find my freelance invoices, then I couldn't find my car receipts and registration papers. Then I found some weird condomsstuff. Then I found my invoices. Then I found my car papers after going to the car twice. But then my car papers didn't really affect my returns at all. THEN WHY BOTHER ASKING ME TO INPUT IT THINKING I WILL GET SOME SALES TAX BACK!!!!! RRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!


But I'm getting some money back anyways (which just nicely will pay for some bills) and am glad that this state I live in sucks no income tax at all! This is the only thing good about leaving California~

BTW, I declare that everyone is going to get LATE bird day presents/cards from me, especially if yours fall between March to June. Too busy for anyone now, not even myself.

Okay, I need to sleep.

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