mercredi, septembre 06, 2006

For Jesse

Well, since we are going to celebrate J's birthday and surprise parties among us don't work anymore, I have a teaser cooked up especially for him!

I know J is one of my most faithful readers, thus he should be able to see this in time, b4 his dinner party tomorrow.

FYI, we are going to a Steak house coz' a carnivore, he is.

So, what the hell do you think this is, J?

Sharpen your fangs and cya tomorrow!

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit… remembered being there for his birthday last year!

Time really flies..

Happy Birthday to J! :)

agrasshopper a dit…

My god!
yesh, we had the bad buffet. Didn;t wanna go there again this year...

Fabian!!! We are old liao!!!