vendredi, septembre 15, 2006

I miss Disco Dancing.

I haven’t been clubbing at all. Well, we went to Ministry of Sound when I was back in SG during June. But it was only once!!! After that tragedy struck so there was no mood.

Once again I feel the urge to go drink myself silly, dance myself silly and then puke myself silly. I miss my earlier days, when I just turned 18 and Wed Mambo Nights were a must-go. It was great… the music, the alcohol, the flirting!

Only 8 years later, I find myself drained from the 9-5 job, hardly able to keep up with daily self-maintenance and house chores. Let alone getting drunk! I don’t even get enough sleep, not to mention getting a chance to step into a club and gladly waste away into the night.


I don't even care if my heels would hurt.


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