vendredi, juin 27, 2008

a lot of time

I went to the grocery store and bought the following:

1. Lucky Magazine 2.99 <— haven't bought 1 in years
2. Neosporin Plus 4.76 <— i gotz cuts.....
3. Extra large bandages 1.79 <— on both of my ankles.....
4. Gentle first-aid paper tape 2.09 <— by my couch (???!!!!!!1!!???)
5. Bistro chef ready-to-go salad 2.99 <— monday's in-office lunch
6. Sara Lee's original cream cheese cake (whole) 5.39 <— i gotz needs
7. 3 gallons of filtered water 0.78 x 3 <— i gotz thirsty in desert 

I'm not leaving my apartment for the whole weekend. I gotz everything I need, and an internet connection.

see you next week!

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